Welcome to SAA in Winston-Salem
- As a fellowship, our primary purpose is to carry the SAA message to the
sex addict who still suffers. - As individuals, our goal is to live free from addictive sexual behaviors
and obsessions, which becomes possible by applying the principles of the
SAA Twelve Step Program in every aspect of our lives. - Membership is open to all who desire to stop addictive sexual behavior.
There are no other requirements. - Our groups and the fellowship are supported entirely by voluntary
contributions from members. - SAA is not associated with any other twelve-step fellowship, nor are we
affiliated with any other institution or organization. We do not support,
endorse, or oppose outside causes or issues. - SAA is based on the principles and traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous. We are grateful to AA for this legacy which makes recovery possible for us as sex addicts.
The above is taken from SEX ADDICTS ANONYMOUS, A Pathway to Recovery (c) ISO of SAA, Inc.