Call Us at: 336-770-5413
Our phone service is monitored by volunteers from among our members. These volunteers have been in the program for a long time and have more than a year of sobriety. They can answer many of the questions you may have about the 12-Step program in general and the Awareness Group in particular.
If you are calling for someone else, please ask that person to call us. For information about SAA in Winston-Salem for yourself, please leave your first name, phone number, and the best time for us to call.
To protect your anonymity and ours, we generally do not leave messages on answering machines, or with family or friends. Our contact person may have their phone number blocked to protect their anonymity.
We try to respond to all calls within 72 hours. Because this is a volunteer operation and not our full-time job, it sometimes takes a little longer. Please be patient.